Lotto 649 Lottery Numbers Predictions April 04 1998
For the April 04, 1998 Lotto 649 draw, Lotto Tutor accurately predicted ALL SIX of the REGULAR LOTTERY NUMBERS in the Top 20 Lotto Picks Pool!
For the April 04, 1998 Lotto 649 draw, Lotto Tutor accurately predicted ALL SIX of the REGULAR LOTTERY NUMBERS in the Top 20 Lotto Picks Pool!
For the June 04, 1997 Lotto 649 draw, Lotto Tutor accurately predicted FIVE of the REGULAR LOTTERY NUMBERS in the Top 20 Lotto Picks Pool!
For the Jun 21/23 Lotto 649 draw, Lotto Tutor accurately predicted FIVE numbers of the SEVEN WINNING LOTTERY NUMBERS in the Top 20 Lotto Picks Pool! All Lotto 649 numbers posted before the upcoming draws are here.
For the November 21, 2001 Lotto 649 draw, Lotto Tutor accurately predicted ALL SIX of the REGULAR LOTTERY NUMBERS PLUS the BONUS NUMBER in the Top 20 Lotto Picks Pool! This is a record setting first!!! Gosh there would be a lot of big winners with that draw!!!
For the $13 Million dollar Lotto 649 draw held on September 26, 1998, Lotto Tutor advised that number 31 was due to hit. The Top 20 number lotto pool accurately forecasted FOUR REGULAR LOTTERY NUMBERS PLUS the BONUS NUMBER. One of the six winning regular lottery numbers was number 31!
For the August 23, 2000 Lotto 649 draw, Lotto Tutor accurately predicted FIVE of the REGULAR LOTTERY NUMBERS PLUS the BONUS NUMBER in the Top 20 Lotto Picks Pool!
For the January 21, 1998 Lotto 649 draw, Lotto Tutor accurately predicted FIVE of the REGULAR LOTTERY NUMBERS in the Top 20 Lotto Picks Pool!